May Milestones

May was a great month for the Minton Law Group.  First, the firm signed on its first attorney, Josh Levin.  I had the pleasure to work with Josh at Schulte Roth & Zabel, and was impressed with his work and attitude when we worked together, and I have first-hand knowledge of the high-level training SRZ’s corporate associates obtain.  While helping me, Josh is also an entrepreneur who recently co-founded Flash Tabs ( a mobile app that allows bar and restaurant patrons to open tabs, place orders and make payments directly from their smartphones by processing orders and payments through each venue’s existing point of sale system.  Needless to say, he is very a busy man.

Second, May marked my first month with three deal closings that spanned the gamut of convertible notes, preferred stock and LLC membership purchases.  It was a fantastic month and there are a lot of reasons to think that trend will continue.

Finally, on a personal note, I am pleased to say that I joined the Board of Directors of the Penn Club, and am looking forward to doing a lot of neat things through that position.